Mountain House Beef Stew (5 Servings) Reviews

Customer Rating :
Rating: 4.8

List Price : $10.80 Price : $10.80
Mountain House Beef Stew (5 Servings)

Product Description

Potatoes, vegetables and beef in a rich beef sauce

  • Four Serving Entrees
  • The perfect option for families enjoying the outdoors

Mountain House Beef Stew (5 Servings) Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
9 Reviews
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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastically delicious meal regardless of being freeze dried, March 13, 2011
Michael J. Perkins (Frisco, Tx USA) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This meal is a favorite in our house for adults and children alike! We use freeze dried meals often when tent camping, so we've tried quite a few varieties. This meal is far and away the best, though beef stroganoff is a strong second. We like it so much that the kids ask us to serve it for dinner when we're at home. I wish my family appreciated camping for the interaction with nature, for the physical exertion, or for the adventure of it. Instead their favorite part is always the meal when we serve beef stew!

P.S. We find this to be a great breakfast on cold mornings. It's much heartier than oatmeal.
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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Beef and stew tastes good, July 14, 2010
Pete (Aurora CO) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
I have tried this one and it tastes really good. My only problem is that it needs a bit of salt, but don't let that make you skip on this great food, just bring a little salt and add it to the bag.

It tastes really good and if you cook it properly you'll forget it was dry food.

Really, really a must for any camper or outdoors enthusiast.
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7 of 8 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Tasty survival food, July 6, 2010
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
I live in the hurricane prone coastal SE US and I have been experimenting with some long shelf life foods for emergencies and freeze dried food promises to be what I am looking for. I ordered a three flavor trial pack of entrees and so far I have tried the Beef strogonoff (reviewed elsewhere, but very good) and the beef stew. The beef stew is also quite good but will not be a large part of the future stock. It has an excellent, very strong, very natural vegetable flavor and is greatly superior to the canned beef stew varieties available. I found that the potatoes did not rehydrate completely and were acceptable but not as good as the rest. The beef, of course, is in little bits and flakes and is identifiable but not as strong as the vegetables which really taste great. I expect to order some of this type of food for long term storage with emphasis being on the stronger flavored entrees-- when you can only have one hot meal a day, it should be as prominently flavorful as possible... Read more
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